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Ita Salsalina Lingga
Maranatha Christian University
Information technology is developing very fast now. In this fourth Industrial Revolution, technological development plays an important role in organization. In order to be able to survive, especially in the midst of today-s world that increasingly rely on information technology, every organization need Accounting Information System. As a business strategy, Accounting Information System must be supported by competent employees. In other words, without an adequate user competency it is impossible to have an effective Accounting Information System. This research aims to analyze the effect of user competency on the effectiveness of Accounting Information System. Data collection in this descriptive survey research uses questionnaires which were distributed to regional banks located in 24 provinces in Indonesia. Total 176 questionnaires were collected from manager and staff related to accounting. Analysis of data uses Smart Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that user competency affects the effectiveness of Accounting Information System. The results show that inadequate knowledge and skills possessed by the employees will give an impact to the effectiveness of the Accounting Information System. Thus, it is necessary for all banks to increase knowledge and skills of their employees as user of Accounting Information System so they are able to compete. This findings are in line with previous research and support the theory.
User Competency, Knowledge, Skills, Accounting Information System
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Tegar Punang Mahardi
PPM School of Management, Jakarta. Indonesia
PPM School of Management, Jakarta. Indonesia
1. Introduction Employee engagement is a matter of concern for the company to be able to achieve maximum results. Same is the case with PT.XYZ, seeing employee engagement is one of the important things to get maximum results. The current condition with the success rate of employee turnover, makes the company want to see the importance of employee attachment to the company. 2. Methods This research was carried out in PT. XYZ Jakarta, Indonesia. First method in this research is to see the level of employee engagement in PT. XYZ use Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). And the second method is to see how organization performance to engage the employee from employee perception use Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) 3. Results Employee Engagement in PT. XYZ, is at the level not engaged. And the organization performance to see factor employee engagement is must to repair in three factor, there are infrastructure, work environment, and leader support. 4. Conclusions Design strategy employee engagement based on three factor must be repair. References (Selected) Bakker, A.B. 2007. Building Engagement in The Workplace. Rotterdam: Erasmus University. Martilla, John A. and James, John C.. 1977. Importance-Performance Analysis. Journal of Marketing Schaufeli, E & Bakker, A. 2003. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale Preliminary Manual. Occupatinal Health Psychology Unit Utrecht University.
Employee engagement, employee engagement strategy, internal communication, competency-based training, leadership skills
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Dimas Aditya Bhakti
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia
According to Ministry of Research, Technology and University, there are 750 million fresh graduate in every year. Survey from in 2018 found29% fresh graduate new employee quit their first job in less than a year of joining, most of them because of under-prepared in their first job so it is difficult to adapt. This study aim to find out effect of work environment, orientation and experience of internship on successful adaptation of work for fresh graduate generation Y new employees. This study used a sample of 75 people, the questionnaire data was then processed using multiple linear regression tests which included t-tests and F-tests. The test results decided that the orientation period and internship experience had a positive effect on the adaptation of fresh graduate generation Y employees. While the work environment has no effect on the adaptation of Generation Y fresh graduate employees. Together (simultaneously) the three factors (work environment, orientation period, and internship experience) have a positive influence on the adaptation of Generation Y fresh graduate employees. From the results of 75 questionnaires also found 61 people (81.3%) need less than six months, eight people (10.7%) need six months, two people (2.7%) need 7-12 months, and four people ( 5.3%) requires more than 12 months from the first day of work to adapt.
Work Environment, Orientation, Internship, Employee Adaptation, Generation Y
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Nining Kristiana
PPM School of Management, Jakarta and Indonesia
Introduction The full of uncertainty in VUCA era brings challenges for business people and employees. In the 2018 Indonesia Industrial Summit, President Joko Widodo emphasized that five industries, particularly the food and beverage industry, textiles, automotive, electronics, and chemicals industry became the backbone to improve competitiveness in the development of fourth-generation industries and new technology-based investments (Putera, 2018). To meet these expectations and face the VUCA era in business, it requires agile leaders who are innovative and can adapt to all changes. Unfortunately, research on the concept of agility and leadership agility is still minimum in Indonesia. This study aims to analyse the leadership agility competency model in Indonesia, profiling the leadership agility potential of company leaders and the leadership agility development design. Methodology This research was conducted in five industrial fields in Jakarta, started with leadership agility competency identification with expert judgment. Then the competency assessment was conducted with Big Five Personality at Work as the tool, to 382 leaders with convenience sampling technique. The result was analyzed with descriptive analysis method and mapped by category classification according to the concept of Human Resources Optimization (Howard & Howard, 2010). The development programs were designed based on the categories found. Results and Discussion Based on expert judgment, leadership agility competency consists of 14 competencies: (a) comfort with change, (b) initiator, (c) future orientation, (d) objectivity, (e) risk taking, (f) flexibility, (g) comfort with ambiguity, (h) managing through system, (i) range perspective & interest, (j) organization, (k) achievement center, (l) performance focus, (m) political savvy, (n) total quality orientation. Participants were divided into 4 position levels from assistant manager, manager, senior manager and general manager. According to HRO concept, there are 4 categories distinguished by competencies with a minimum medium score: (a) capitalized for participants who have 12-14 competencies; (b) development for participants with 7-11 competencies; (c) caution for participants with 3-6 competencies; and (d) compensate for participants with less than 3 competencies. Some of the managers and assistant managers are still in the development and caution category, need development programs to prepare them to occupy the top leadership later. Development plan will be conducted to improve competencies with low and very low score. The development category at the manager level still lacks in objectivity, political savvy, organisation, and flexibility competencies. The assistant manager level still lacks in risk taking, organisation, total quality orientation, and comfort with ambiguity and paradox. The caution category at the manager level still lacks in political savvy, future orientation, range of persp
VUCA, Leadership Agility
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Nur Aini Puspo Rani
Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Introduction & Research Problem Waled Hospital is a government hospital that has implemented performance management in its organization. However, the implementation of performance management that has been carried out is limited to performance appraisal. Methods Based on questionnaire survey data involving 78 hospital employees, the results were 72% of statements said Waled Hospital performance management needed improvement (Fauzi, 2019). In addition, there were four findings based on the document review which were (1) the planning form used is based on government regulations and only measurement of results are carried out during one period, there is no measurement of process carried out during that period; (2) there is no supervision in performance appraisal, (3) Waled Hospital performance appraisal form didn-t include performance appraisal for contract employee; and (4) there is no follow-up instrument after the evaluation form. The gap was found between the practices carried out with the performance management planning that is owned by Waled Hospital. The urgency to make improvements is very important because of the accreditation assessment that will be carried out on Waled Hospital. Results & Findings This research is a continuation of the results of previous practical work (Fauzi, 2019). The follow-up process is to identify the typology used in the hospital. The typology used in this study is the typology of Miles & Snow (1984) by identifying organizational characteristics and characteristics of human resource management. Based on the identification results, Waled District Hospital is an organization with a typology of Defender. The next step is to design a performance management system based on 4 stages namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the evaluation stage and the performance review stage and also use the characteristics of Aguinis (2014). Conclusions, implications and significance The results of typological analysis (Miles & Snow, 1984), the 4 stages of performance management and characterization of Aguinis (2014) are used as the basis for determining the direction and policies used to make of a performance management system. This performance management system is based on 4 stages of performance management that are equipped with a measurement of process, measurement of results and forms at each stage. The results of this study are complemented by the implementation steps of implementing performance management which are explained using two points, namely (1) policy guidelines, and (2) timelines that describe the process and timing of the performance management system that has been created. The design of the performance management system that was made serves as a complement and is run parallel with the performance management system of the Waled Hospital that comes from the government. Reference (Selected) Aguinis, H. (2014). Performance Management. London: Pearson Education Li
Performance Management, Performance Appraisal, Hospital, Waled Hospital
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Roy Urich Kusumawardana
The threat of terrorism in Indonesia is quite a challenge nowadays due to the phenomenon that some terrorist actors are actually part of company employees. The process of selecting and recruiting new employees is very strategic in preventing the entry of terrorism networks into a business organization in Indonesia. PHENC as one of the largest oil and gas BUMN companies in Indonesia, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) which is being one of the operational targets of terrorists, this was obtained from the ex-combatants interviewed in this study. Terrorist teams have data and images of pipelines, wells and oil and gas refineries throughout Indonesia. The data obtained from the interviews with the combaants is their ability to recruit candidates from young people to older people from academia to religious and business circles. With the ability to recruit each year they can print 50 people with the ability to attack that can save larger victims and attacks on strategic objects with the ultimate goal of making the country improve the results of these attacks. Therefore PHENC as a national vital object (obvitnas) needs to have a strategy to prevent the defense terrorism network in the recruitment and selection of new employees. This research uses applied research using qualitative methods that do not use statistical data and narrative translations. Narrative means this research details about research on the object of research. Qualitative data in this study were collected by written interview method with several representatives of PHENC management. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The analysis result shows that currently PHENC has not conducted a Background Check (BC) in the recruitment and selection process of new employees. Beside that, recruitment and selection was found as security threat in risk register of PHENC. The design of strategy to prevent the terrorism network in the recruitment and selection of new employees, it is proposed to consist of three parts. The first part is for new permanent employees of PHENC. The second part is intended for new outsourcing employees and the last part is the implementation of an integrated security management system (SMP). The design of the strategy can be implemented through eight steps. Word limits The abstract text body is limited to 500 words.
terrorism, recruitment and selection, risk management, security management system
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Putri Retnosari
Putri Retnosari, IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya, Indonesia
Rizal Mustansyir, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Hastanti Widy Nugroho, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Digital markets are a social phenomenon faced by society today. This virtual world can replace conventional market concepts. Digital markets are forms of media that integrate relationships between people. As McQuail (2011: 51) says, workers can use the media to increase knowledge, while employers use the media to legitimize their position in the upper classes while controlling the working class as the lower classes. This shows the existence of human involvement with digital markets. The phenomenon of digital markets has also succeeded in presenting a new reality and if humans are not careful in facing this digital world, humans can be defeated by the acceleration of information and offers in the form of consumerism. Economic competition is also felt by business people in the era of digital markets. Unreasonable prices make market competition increasingly irrational. The impact is a product has no value so that it results in producers who experience massive losses. Digital market businesses always try to compete with other markets, by making offers that benefit users such as massive promos, discounts, free shipping and so on. Twisting by digital market players seems to benefit digital market consumers, but behind the benefits offered there is an unhealthy economic system that even tends to make the characters behind the scenes digital markets become victims because of an unbalanced economic system. This research, offers an ideal economic legal concept for businesses in the digital markets and their users to create a fair and equitable economic system. This research model is an actual theme research model about the crime of the semiosis process. In accordance with the type of research on the actual problem, the main task of this research is to identify a hidden philosophy, make a critical evaluation of economic law that is ideal for business people in the era of digital markets. This research is a qualitative research by taking literature sources derived from writings related to economic law and the concept of idealism. The stages of library research include compiling planning of research activities, data inventory, data classification, data processing and analysis exposure. The method used in this study is the hermeneutic method, the following are methodical steps from the hermeneutic method (Bakker, 1990: 41): verstehen, interpretation, and heuristics. The results of this study are the first is to find an ideal economy regulated nationally by considering conventional markets with digital markets. National economic law must be applied by all groups, both market participants and digital users. The findings of this study are a place of agreement between digital businesses and conventional markets in providing the price of a product. Second, to find forms of economic crime that have the potential to emerge in digital markets so that both digital actors and the government can avoid economic threats that may be present in digital markets. The concl
idealism, economy, crime
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Putri Kartika Sari
PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
PT Badak NGL is a liquefied natural gas producing company that has management and marketing activities for liquefied natural gas to LNG buyers. In an effort to improve employee performance, PT Badak NGL, especially those in Bontang, East Kalimantan, conduct training programs in accordance with employee needs, as well as provide compensation that is considered fair and appropriate in return for employee performance to the company. The formulation of the problem in this study is the extent of the effect of training and compensation on the performance of the employees of PT Badak NGL. Theories used in this research are the theories of human resources related to the theory of human resource training, and the theory of compensation, and the theory of employee performance. This research method uses a survey approach, and the type of research is quantitative descriptive. The nature of the study is the explanation. The number of samples used consisted of 100 employess of PT Badak NGL. The data analysis model used to answer the first and second hypotheses is multiple regression analysis, using a confidence level of 95 percent.
Training, Compensation and Performance
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Dewi Sabita Wulandari
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
This study aims to determine the effect of training, work environment and work discipline on the performance of millennial generation employees. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire distributed to 208 millennial generation employees. This research is quantitative by using multiple linear regression analysis. Data analysis methods used in this study are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, T test, F test, and R test using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that training has an influence on employee performance, this can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (8.872)> t table (2,353). In the work environment a positive effect on employee performance, this can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (9,981)> t table (2,353). Work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance, it can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (5.858)> t table (2,353). The results of data analysis show that simultaneous training, work environment and work discipline influence employee performance with a determination coefficient R2 of 0.822 meaning 82 percent of employee performance is affected by training, work environment and work discipline and the remaining 18 percent is influenced by other factors not included in the research model.
training, work environment, work discipline, job performance
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Syihabudhin Syihabudhin
Email: syihabudhin.fe[at]
ABSTARCT : The problem that often arises in Ollino Garden Hotel Malang is high workload due high season. Therefore this study was conducted, where the purpose of this study was to find out. 1) the description of workload, work life balance and job performance at Ollino Garden Hotel malang; 2) wheter workload effect and significantly towards the work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 3) wheter work life balance effect and significantly towards the job performance in Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 4) wheter workload effect and significantly towards the job performance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 5) wheter workload bears indirectly effect towards job performance through work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang. This study uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire, the results of the data from the questionnaire will be analyzed using path analysis. The population used in this study were 48 employees of Ollino Garden Hotel Malang. While the technique used is Proportionate Random Sampling, resulting in a total sample of 43 employees of all Ollino Garden Hotel Malang employees. Based on the results of path analysis, it can be seen that: 1) Workload, work life balance and employee performance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang are categorized as good; 2) Workload has a positive and significant effect on work life balance; 3) Work life balance has a positive and significant effect on performance; 4) workload has a negative and significant effect on performance; 5) Indirect workload has a positive effect on performance through work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang.
workload, work life balance, employee performance
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Suryani Maryam
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of safety climate and social capital associated with organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Data were collected from 253 Water Body Management Unit officers in Jakarta using questionnaires. Data analysis was done using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. Three hypotheses were developed in order to determine the relationships between safety climate, social capital, and organizational citizenship behaviour. The results revealed that safety climate and social capital had significant positive impact on employees organizational citizenship behaviour. This study makes several contributions to Water Body Management Unit employer, including by creating positive safety climate and social capital, the organizational citizenship behaviour of officers can be elevated. Furthermore this study, for the first time, has measured the Water Body Management Unit Officer-s safety climate, social capital, and and organizational citizenship behaviour.
Safety climate, Social capital, Organizational citizenship behavior, Water Body Management Unit Officer
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Andriyastuti Suratman
ab Management Departement, Economics Faculty,
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
cd Management Departement, Economics Faculty,
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Abstract— The aims of this research are to find out and obtain information related to the influence of reward, work environment, also investigated the motivation factor as mediator on employees performance from the reward and work environment. Purposive sampling was taken with 85 Nurses From Raja Ahmad Tabib Hospital, Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia as respondents from 108 respondents. The results of the research prove that reward has a positive effect on motivation, but negatively affects employees performance. While the work environment has a positive effect on employees motivation and performance. The reward and work environment also has a positive effect on employees performance through motivation. The results of the study show that reward has an influence on performance through work, and proven indirect effects are greater than the direct effects of imbalance in performance. This means that the higher the award the company gives to employees, the higher the work motivation of employees so that this will improve employee performance. Regarding the direct effect of reward on performance in this research, which contradicts with previous studies in general, it may be due to the lack of conformity of rewards received by employees, but on the other hand employees will continue to work according to orders because working alone is a form of self-respect. It is recommended that employers must compete with several types of imbalances because they recruit, maintain and support the performance of each individual in the organisation. With the provision of a balanced reward that is in accordance with the expectations of employees, it is expected to encourage the achievement of employee motivation and ultimately will improve employee performance. Keywords—rewards; work environment; motivation; employee hospital-s performance.
reward, work environment, motivation, employees- performance and hospital
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Anggun Pesona Intan Puspita
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
Nowadays, the development of Kampung Wisata is seen as an economic empowerment strategy from Indonesia-s government. Several rural areas and suburban areas are transformed from a slump area to tourist attraction. Therefore, this initiative is taken also as an intervention strategy in community development and economic empowerment. The scope of this study only limit to the organizational citizenship behaviour of female group of Festival Kampung Labirin preparation and during the event. Though many nature of the job is mainly very masculine, such as being a field coordinator, the women group had successfully taken over the job in the leadership position. A participatory observation during 10 months and in-depth interview were conducted to collect the data. The observation was taken place since the development of Festival Kampung Labirin, in Bogor, West Java Province from August to December 2018, until its 4th operation from January 2019 to August 2019. This observation includes the dynamics of team work within local stakeholders, local people, and the committee. Whilst the interview was taken during the launching of the festival and its four monthly operations to 4 female leaders who was performing and was taking the leadership roles. Based on the observation and interviews, there are several findings that though during the development of the festivals, the male played a biggest role as they built and decorated the area, while female group prepared for performances. When it came to the preparation of the festival, such as trained the performer, did the promotion, and acted as a field manager, the male tended to work slowly and more inactive due to some reasons (busy for working and felt tired). On the other hand, the female took it all and prepared the team, the properties before they did their roles as part of performers itself. These behaviours indicating the organizational citizenship behaviour, in courtesy and sportsmanship dimensions as their main reason is to bring the neighbourhood alive and well-known, aiming for greater purpose for their family and neighbours. This research conclude that female plays a role in a work with the nature of nurturing and maintaining, as they are good with coordinating and collaboration, as well as serving people. Meanwhile, male group are good for building and constructing the area. This OCB traits that seen in a female arose as they realized no one will take the roles and the intention to see the good progress of their neighbourhood. This finding indicate that building a tourism spot by developing a local rural and slump area is seen as an effective strategy to develop its local people. This research is very important as an insight to prepare local people for the next move of tourism development.
OCB, female, Festival Kampung Labirin
Human Resource or Capital
Corresponding Author
Fitri Purnamasari
a Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
b Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
c Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
d Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
e Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Internship becomes a way to grow human resource capabilities in terms of competencies on knowledge or practical skills and soft skills. Higher education institutions like universities as the organizers of an internship program certainly have some roles to produce capable, intelligent and professional workforce. Therefore, it is undeniable that a good internship program in university is an important stage in the development of quality human resources. Our research aims to uncover the description of the system of organizing internships at university level, in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the programs objectives in preparation for students to enter the workforce life. In this research, we also specifically portrayed the management of internships at the best ex-LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan) universities in Indonesia, as the institutions whose mission is to produce graduates as teaching staff/academics along with practitioners. Using qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were held with the lecturers as well as superintendents and staff at three ex-LPTK universities, and processed by content analysis. Overall, the internship programs at these universities have been managed with the orientation on the interests of students, have adopted the use of technology, and are evaluated routinely based on feedback from internal and external parties of the university. The lack of internship and the organization of the mentoring system conducted by the lecturers become the major deficiencies in organizing internships at the universities. These can be used as a basis to put on efforts to improve the internship system at the university level, especially in Indonesia.
Internship, Human Resource, Education, Ex-LPTK
Human Resource or Capital
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